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Characterizing soil erosion and predicting levee erosion rates for various levee soils and storm conditions during floodwall overtopping events is necessary in designing levee-floodwall systems. In this study, a series of laboratory scaled levee-floodwall erosion tests were conducted to determine erosion characteristics of fine grained soils subject to overtopping from different floodwall heights with variable flow-rates. A decreasing rate of erosion was observed as a pool of water was generated in the created scour hole at the crest of the levee model. The erosion rates were also assessed using Jet Erosion Test (JET) and Erosion Function Apparatus (EFA) tests. The results of levee-floodwall overtopping along with soil geotechnical characteristics such as plasticity index, compaction level, and saturation level of the levee soils as well as hydraulic parameters such as water overtopping velocity were used to develop a levee-floodwall erosion rate Prediction Model. Then, the results of JET and EFA were integrated to develop another Prediction Model for levee-floodwall erosion rate estimation. Consequently, the prediction models were evaluated by conducting additional tests and comparing the prediction results with the actual measured erosion rates.
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