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The Myth of the Paperless Office Abigail Sellen and Richard HR. Harper The MIT Press Cambridge, MA 2002 ISBN 0262194643
231 pp.
Keywords Office automation, Information technology, Work station efficiency
Review DOI 1.1108/00220410310463518
I feel a lot better having read this book. My desk is covered in paper and there are other bundles all over my office. The faster I fill the wastepaper bin, the faster paper seems to come at me. Am I failing to work smarter and being just an inefficient worker? Having read this book, I am comforted by the fact that the disorderly looking pile on my desk is not a mess - it represents the process going on in my brain of active, ongoing thinking - and that I am not alone. Despite the predictions over the last 30 years that computers would make paper redundant, offices are still stuffed full of it. Information and knowledge workers themselves use 300 per cent more paper than the average office worker.