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Abstract: In the "2.0 age" organizations are forced to adapt their business strategy to market demands. In this paper, we examine whether there is a difference between the monthly volume of sales of a company that is monitored before and after the implementation of a B^sub 2^B web applications, in order to make the services procurement process more flexible. The study shows a centralization of the volume of receipts in two distinct periods, in the month before launching the application and the subsequent month. The strategy of the compamy pursued a comfortable facilitation of online services acquisition, accessible from PC, smartphone, tablet etc. The conclusion is that cybermarketing positively affects the turnover of the company. Flexibility in procurement process by introducing the online B^sub 2^B software application makes cybermarketing be chosen over classic marketing, without completely replacing it.
Keywords: Cybermarketing, flexibility of sales process, strategic flexibility, B^sub 2^B, consumer behavior;
(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)
Today it is a fact that the Internet stimulates companies sales resulting in increased performance[1,2]. The accessibility of web pages is a major concern for some corporations like The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) which continuously monitors this environment offering a range of practical advice to users of web[1].Customers in the online environment are seen as an important asset of the company as generators of revenue, their potential (value) on purchasing power being estimated using statistical tools embedded in web technologies [1].Marketing as a whole should be understood as a social and managerial process by which consumers get what they want and what they need through creating and exchanging products and values" [1,2,3].
Cybermarketing is a term at congruence between technology, marketing and strategic management [1].It redefines the concept of marketing using the power of internet. Consumer behavior and details of comercial transactions may be stored in a database for future use in marketing strategies [1]. Cybermarketing also means the process by which companies that want to sell products (A), own complex software applications of ERP or BI type (B), connected to the Internet (D, C1, C2, C3, etc) through specific web applications essential to the process of online sales. These are genuine software marketing and sales tools, with easy access from electronic devices...