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Acrylic resin is an artificial base material that is often used in dentistry because it has a resistance to the load that is received at the time of mastication known as transverse strength. The high consumption of Robusta coffee in Indonesia gives denture users easy access for the beverage. Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora L.) contains high chlorogenic acid which can affect the transverse strength of heat cured acrylic denture. This study aims to determine the transvesal strength of acrylic resin denture which were soaked and not soaked with Robusta coffee liquid (Coffea canephora L.). This type of research is an experimental laboratory research study with Post Test Only Control Design Group. The size of the acrylic plate was 65 mm x 10 mm x 2.5 mm acrylic, immersed in Robusta coffee liquid; light roasted, medium roasted, dark roasted for 7 days. Transversal strength was tested using "Tensile tester". One way Anova Test was applied for the data analysis. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the transverse strength of the heat cured acrylic denture after being immersed with Robusta coffee (p = 0.322). There was no reduction in the transverse strength of the heat cured acrylic resin denture after being soaked with Robusta coffee liquid.
Keywords: acrylic resin, transverse strength, Robusta coffee
It is estimated that 1.6% of the Indonesian population experience total teeth loss. In general, the prevalence of Indonesian who have used dentures, both temporary and fixed, is 4.5% ofthe total population. The prevalence of dental-mouth problems and loss of natural teeth depends on a person's age. The older the age, dentalmouth problems will be more prevalence. However, starting from 55 years old the prevalence of dentalmouth problems decreases again. It was found that 1.8% ofthe samples in the 45-54 age group have lost all natural teeth, and in the age group of 65 years, 17.6% have experienced loss of natural teeth (Riset Kesehatan Dasar. 2007). Since the mid-1940s, denture bases have been made using polymethyl methacrylate acrylic resin (Ali, 2016). Acrylic resin has the property to absorb water slowly over a period of time by the mechanism of absorption through the diffusion of water molecules according to the laws of diffusion (Pambudi, Sulistyorini, & Mayasari, 2017...