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This study presents a comparative analysis of student outcomes between online and face-to-face learning modalities at an urban community college in the Midwest, with a focus on retention and academic success. The college serves an average of 14,000 students annually across more than seventy career programs. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the research examined key performance metrics such as GPA, course grades, retention rates, and time to degree completion for students enrolled in the Business Administration program between fall 2021 and spring 2024. The analysis employed statistical tests to determine whether significant differences existed between the two groups. Results revealed no statistically significant differences in GPA or retention rates between online and face-to-face learners. Although online students took slightly longer to complete their programs on average, this difference was not statistically significant. The findings suggest that both learning modalities are equally effective in terms of academic performance and progression. This research contributes valuable insights for community colleges seeking to enhance their online offerings, suggesting that online education can be as effective as traditional classroom instruction in supporting student success and retention.
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