
The COVID-19 pandemic required educators to teach using educational technology during remote learning, and as schools transitioned back to in-person learning, qualitative research was needed to understand high school educators’ perceptions of technology integration after remote learning. Background literature on the topic was analyzed, including historical context, technology standards, technology integration models, and barriers for teachers to integrate technology into classroom practices. A phenomenological study using interviews with participants who taught in the same high school before and after remote learning yielded data on how educators selected which technology to integrate, what skills were needed during the modality transition, and how school leadership supported educators in these endeavors. The thematic analysis provided answers to the research questions, including intentional technology selection, teacher leadership assisting colleagues with technology integration, how professional development was not fully successful at aiding teachers, how technology can provide student accommodations, and how student technology must be monitored. Study results provided implications to improve professional development, support teacher leadership regarding technology assistance, and use technology to help meet the needs of students.


Perceptions of Educators on Integrations of Educational Technology Post-COVID-19
Bivins, Jeremy
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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