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Ever since the 1983 landmark study, A Nation at Risk, was released, educators have been examining the effectiveness of instructional time in American schools (Pedersen, 2012). However, school calendars have remained stagnant and seemingly a product of society and economy, tied to agriculture, for over 100 years (Turner & Finch, 2018). In Missouri, a growing number of schools are reevaluating the five-day school week and implementing a four-day school week in response (Turner & Finch, 2018). As stated by Thompson (2020), the impact of the four-day school week on student achievement requires more study. This study involved investigating the impact of the four-day school week on student academic achievement by examining 7th-grade and 8th-grade MAP data provided by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in the areas of math and ELA prior to and following the implementation of the four-day school week. Additionally, the perceptions of principals and teachers who work within the four-day school were collected to examine teacher morale, school finance, student discipline, and overall attendance (teachers and students). Quantitative data were analyzed to investigate pre- and post-implementation patterns. Furthermore, qualitative data in the form of interview responses were analyzed using coding methods to identify common phrases, keywords, and themes. The study findings revealed the four-day school week produced a negative impact on 7th-grade ELA, according to MAP data analysis, whereas 7th-grade math, 8th-grade ELA, and 8th-grade math indicated an insignificant impact. Additionally, the perceptions of principals and teachers indicated the four-day school week was an overall benefit to the school climate.
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