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Digital Manpower is very necessary in Thailand today as the growth of technology continues to increase. For example, tech giant Gartner has announced new technology trends every year including 2022, announcing the following technology trends: Total Experience, Composable Application, Decision Intelligence, Hyperautomation, Distributed Enterprises, Autonomic Systems, Generative AI, AI Engineering etc. The application of technology in daily life is increasing. The development of Digital Manpower is therefore very important in order to increase the knowledge and expertise of the country's people in technology. From the statistics, the country has increased internet usage in many ways. For example, from the statistics in 2021, Thai children playing games were number 1 in the world, and in 2022, Thai children playing games are in 2nd place in the world. But the problem faced with Thai education today is that children like to play games and think that they can study in the field of computers. But, in fact, students are not directed into the technology field taking into account their own aptitudes. causing the study to be not fully effective and some leave their courses midway. Therefore, this research is interested in the confirmation factors of children playing games by collecting data on Gamers' Total Experience and Game Motivation in order to analyze the data and discover the confirmation factors that direct the admissions to various computer disciplines. What direction and aptitude do you need to be able to enter a group of computer science disciplines in order to become a Digital Manpower in the country's future development. The researcher has collected data from a sample of 630 people from all six groups in computer science. The confirmation factor was analyzed by the LISREL program. It was found that each group of computer disciplines had different confirmation factors.
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