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The relationship between character strengths and ethical indicators has been shown in a variety of settings. However, existing relationships between the character strengths of courage and humanity and ethical engagement have not previously been examined in public sector human services professionals. It was not known if there were statistically significant relationships between the character strengths of courage and humanity and ethical engagement in public sector human services professionals. This problem was addressed through a quantitative, correlational study administered using an online questionnaire. Eligible participants (N = 152) from several government-operated human services centers in the Midwest of the United States voluntarily participated in the study. Participants completed the Santa Clara Ethics Scale and the 35 corresponding questions of the courage and humanity character strengths from the 120-item version of the Value in Action Classification of Strengths of Virtues. Spearman correlation analyses were administered between the character strengths of courage, humanity, and ethical engagement. Findings identified positive moderate correlations between the character strength of courage and ethical engagement (rs (144) = .570, p < .001) and the character strength of humanity and ethical engagement (rs (144) = .579, p < .001). As the level of the character strengths of courage and humanity increased, the level of ethical engagement increased. Based on the findings, public sector human services professionals should consider the significance of the courage and humanity character strengths in their ethical engagement and ethical practices.
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