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Business organizations are facing ever-growing challenges in the competitive market regarding commitment, retention, engagement, and the belief of their employees. Employees are regarded as the lifeblood of every organization where the companies could not run their activities without skillful employees. The objective of this study is to explore the effect of job satisfaction, employee empowerment, and emotional intelligence on bank employees' performance in the context of Bangladesh. In terms of the research purpose, non-probability convenience sampling has been used in this study. The targeted population was the commercial bank employees in Bangladesh. Regarding this study, total of 200 employees were asked to participate in this research. Among 200 employees, finally, 160 responses were received as complete with an 80% response rate. For analysis purposes, SPSS version 26.0 was used in this study. The study discovered that job satisfaction, employee empowerment, and emotional intelligence positively and significantly affect employee performance. The model explains 60 percent variance, and employee empowerment is found to have a higher impact on employee performance. Finally, this study will offer some extraordinary directions and implications for future research on commercial bank managers.
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