
There has been an increase in the number of teleworkers across all industries. The purpose of this qualitative exploratory case study was to explore and understand the management perspective in adopting telecommuting as a timesaving tool for IT professionals in Gwinnett County, Georgia. The theoretical foundation of this study was based on the Technology Acceptance Model, which addressed technology acceptance behaviors among individuals in different information system constructs. The key research question inquired about the management perspective in adopting telecommuting as a time-saving tool for technology professionals in Gwinnett County, Georgia. An exploratory case study design involving interviews with 16 technology management professionals was applied. A thematic analysis of the 16 transcripts retrieved seven themes. The themes were increased productivity, cost-saving, accountability, lack of physical human interactions, effective time management, work-life balance, and diverse hiring options. It was identified that telecommuting was an effective, time-saving tool that fostered increased productivity, promotes cost-saving, and provided diverse hiring options. Conversely, IT management professionals were concerned that teleworking affects work-life balance results in a lack of physical human interactions, and hinder accountability. The findings from this study can be used to inform decision-making advocacy for positive social change, involving the adoption of telecommuting in businesses where employees can execute their professional duties remotely. Understanding the management perspective regarding telecommuting may lead to ways to deal with concerns so that more IT personnel can work remotely.


Manager Perceptions on the Efficacy of Telecommuting for Technology Professionals
George, Gabriel Ndubisi
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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