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Abstract. The sand crab of family Albuneidae is widely distributed along the Indonesian coast. The presence of the sand crab, Albunea symmysta (Crustacea: Decapoda: Albuneidae), is reported for the first time from Sumatra and Java, Indonesia. A total of 14 specimens were collected from March 2013 to December 2014 in the intertidal zone of the south-western coast of Sumatra and the southern coast of Java. The systematics, morphological characters, habitat and distribution of this species are presented.
Key Words: Anomura, Albunea symmysta, sand crab, Indonesia.
Introduction. The sand crab of family Albuneidae is one of common crab of seven species from super family Hippoidea in Indonesia (Wardiatno et al 2015a). These crabs live in intertidal (swash zone) to subtidal areas, in which they dig very quickly into the sand (Lastra et al 2002; Wardiatno et al 2014). The existence of sand crabs in Indonesia is well known, but studies of this family are few in number. There are many subfamilies of Albuneidae along the seashore of Indonesia (Boyko & Mclaughlin 2010), including Albuneinae (Albunea, Paralbunea, Stemonopa, Squillalbunea and Zygopa) and Lepidopinae (Austrolepidopa, Lepidopa, Leucolepidopa and Paraleucolepidopa).
The first record of one species of super family Hippoidea from Indonesia, i.e. Hippa marmorata is published by Wardiatno et al (2015b). The existence of Albunea was first revealed by Boyko & Harvey (1999) from the southern coast of Africa and the Indo- West Pacific. The sand crab Albunea symmysta was reported from the west coast of North Africa into the Red Sea and east to the Philippines and Japan (Boyko & Harvey 1999). The first discovery of this species was in Taiwan (Osawa et al 2010); however, many of these records are not A. symmysta and the true range of this species is not completely known (Boyko & Harvey 1999). The occurrence of sand crab from Sumatra or Java has not been reported. This report of A. symmysta is the first record from Sumatra and Java, Indonesia.
Material and Method
Material examined. Sumatra, Bengkulu: 1 male, 1 ovigerous female (MZB Cru 4155), 3°47'S 102°14'E, coll. D. Purnama, 10 September 2014; Padang Pariaman: 1 female (MZB Cru 4154), 0°27'S 99°58'E, coll. P. U. Ardika, A. Farajallah, F. Akhsani, 27 September 2014. Central Java, Buluspesantren, Kebumen: 4 males, 7...