
Cognitive bias is inevitable and has a wide range of negative implications that are both economically and socially harmful. One of such challenges is that it leads to poor decision-making, especially when incurred by individuals whose decisions can positively or negatively impact populations. In this way, this research study aimed to determine the relationship between cognitive bias experienced by security and intelligence analysts and lack of social peace and insecurity. To achieve such research, this study involved an analysis of 50 government publications and records that were randomly sampled and collected using a quantitative research design. The data collected in this research study were analyzed using regression analysis. They revealed a strong correlation between cognitive bias experienced by security and intelligence analysts and lack of social peace and insecurity. In this way, the study concludes that there is a need for such analysts to constantly acquire knowledge and rely on various laboratory resources during the analysis of security and intelligence risks to avoid their risk of experiencing cognitive bias.


The Relationship between Lack of Social Peace and Security and Cognitive Bias Experienced during the Analysis of Intelligence and Security Risks
Tzenios, Nikolaos
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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