
Caudocephalad accelerative (+Gz) loading of the spine and resulting injuries are problematic for both soldiers exposed to vehicular mines and aviators alike. Safety engineers currently lack a qualified human model for investigating these types of spine injuries and methods to prevent them. The human lumbar spine is highly mobile and capable of supporting complex loads that cannot be represented by a single columnar spine model. Specifically, the articular facet joints have substantial load-bearing capacity when the posterior spine is compressively loaded. Increased fracture tolerance to +Gz has been demonstrated when the posterior spine participates in axial load bearing.

A finite element human body model that is capable of discerning the parallel load paths in the lumbar spine will provide engineers a tool for designing restraint and seating safety systems that mitigate injury to spine resulting from +Gz loading. The Wayne State University Human Body Model was modified to include a lumbar spine with parametrically defined posterior geometry capable of replicating varying posterior contact characteristics that result from inter-personal variability. This spine was validated using data generated from instrumented cadaveric subjects under ejection seat type 6–10g accelerative loading.


Whole Body Finite Element Model of the Lumbar Spine Using Parallel Load Paths Under High +Gz Acceleration
Goertz, Alan R.
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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