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Abstract. This work presents the diversity of lobsters collected from a survey in Palabuhanratu Bay, South of Java, Indonesia during July 2015 - December 2016. The survey was conducted monthly in a fish harbour. Information on the occurrence of previous survey was also included. A total of thirty one lobster specimens were collected from fishermen. Twelve species of three families were recorded from the survey, i.e. family Palinuridae [Panulirus ornatus (Fabricius 1798), P. versicolor (Lareille 1804), P. penicillatus (Olivier 1791), P. homarus (Linnaeus 1758), P. longipes longipes (A. Milne Edwards 1868), P. polyphagus (Herbst, 1793), Linuparus somniosus Berry & George 1972, Palinustus waguensis Kubo 1963, Puerulus mesodontus Chan, Ma, & Chu, 2013], family Scyllaridae [Parribacus antarcticus (Lund 1793), Thenus indicus Leach, 1815], and family Nephropidae [Metanephrops andamanicus (Wood-Mason, 1891)]. The habitus photographs are presented and biological information of the lobsters are described. Among the twelve species, the occurrence of Panulirus ornatus, P. polyphagus, and Parribacus antarcticus, is reported as new distribution record in south of Java, Indonesia. Brief notes on the fishery point of view and the importance of diversity research for sustainable life are discussed.
Key Words: Crustacea, fishery, new record, Palinuroidea, Nephropoidea, Scyllaridae.
Introduction. Lobsters are commercial crustaceans in fishery market of the world (Chan 1998). Certain species can even be considered as prestigious commodity due to the high price in the market. To date taxonomy and catalog of marine lobsters in the world was made available by Holthuis (1991) and Chan (1998). Chan (2010) reported an updated list of all considered valid species of living marine lobsters known in the world up to 2010. In those years, lobster of infraorder Astacidea, Glypheidea, Achelata, and Polychelida comprised 248 valid species (with four valid subspecies) of marine lobsters in 6 families and 55 genera. In recent studies, there have been many new discoveries in the last decade, for example 2 species from genus Thauma (Chang et al 2014), 1 species from genus Thymops (Ahyong et al 2012), 1 species from genus Linuparus (Tsoi et al 2011), 5 species from genus Puerulus (Chan et al 2013), 1 species from genus Chelarctus (Yang & Chan 2012), 1 species from genus Galearctus (Yang et al 2011), and 1 species from genus Stereomastis (Artüz et al 2014)....