
When developing school improvement plans and implementing transformational change, why not ask students? Involving students and listening to their voice can provide a better understanding of what is needed and how the school improvement process can be enhanced to promote growth. Principals play a significant role in the leadership of school improvement efforts. The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological case study is to understand and examine the lived experience of middle school principals when student voice is incorporated into the work of school improvement.

The study consisted of semi-structured, open-ended interviews with six middle school principals and examined the requirement of student voices in the school improvement process to understand the transformational changes that may occur. The study explored the lived experiences of middle school principals and how the addition of student voice, as a requirement by the Maryland county district office, can change school improvement work. Student perspectives on instructional practices may provide leaders and principals first-hand experience into what techniques promote the most improvement. This study explored the equitable representation of student voice in the school improvement process with the aim of understanding the benefits and challenges regarding principal lived experiences. This research study shares what principals did to collect student voices in addition to sharing the actual changes implemented in the school improvement plan. The responses were coded using in vivo coding to capture the essence of the principals' words. Then focused coding was used to develop categories with themes or concepts. The themes have been summarized, interpreted, and used to make meaning of the lived experiences of middle school principals. The implications for use of student voice in the school improvement process will help other school leaders determine ways to involve students in school leadership and decision-making.


Lived Experience of School Leaders: Leading With a Focus on the Inclusion of Student Voice in the School Improvement Process
Bingman, Jennifer C.
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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