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This nonexperimental, survey-based online quantitative study on nonprofit managers’ technical training measures the extent of the influence on big data technology use. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology is a theoretical framework to determine whether business managers are trained to have know-how in using big data technology. This study followed a quantitative methodology to help narrow the gap in research between what is not known in relation to the nonprofit manager’s technical training on the use of big data technology. Today’s data is the most critical asset, but progress toward big data technology-oriented usage needs to be accessed by the nonprofit. Nonprofits need to use big data technology to gain insights into identifying the program activities and monitor them to make better decisions that maximize societal impact. Big data technology allows nonprofit managers to be effective by getting insights into the problem-solving of the social programs where they operate to reduce unemployment, poverty, social exclusion, and low education levels. This study seeks to answer how nonprofit managers differ in technical training (facilitating conditions) using big data technology compared to managers who have not used big data technology to manage business operations. The study may contribute to bridging existing research gaps in managers’ technical training and using big data technology.
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