
This thesis aims to analyze identity formation and self-presentation performed by individuals as they construct and curate online profiles for social dating apps such as Bumble. The literature review examines scholarship surrounding identity, self-presentation, and gender roles. The thesis researches how identity is formed and how it transforms throughout life. The research focuses on various factors that influence identity such as family, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, society, social class, personal interests. The thesis also looks at self-presentation and how an individual experiences identity reflexivity in response to interacting with society, questioning if they should change or reject adapting to their environment. This thesis explores the affordances and constraints on identity performance, self-presentation, and communication based on the design and structure of the Bumble app. Since the Bumble app combines social media and online dating, this thesis compares online and offline identity, private and public self, and addresses the importance of authenticity and self-branding in relationships and online profiles. The Bumble app design allows only women to initiate communication, therefore, it was necessary to examine the impact of gender roles in society and relationships in structured spaces and communities (i.e. workplace, cities, social media, within the app) and the impact Bumble is having on men, women, and dating culture. A survey methodology was used to gather information and the data was analyzed and compared to the scholarship in the literature review. The survey demonstrated how individuals utilize photos, texts, emoticons, and symbols to communicate their identity and present themselves on Bumble. The responses revealed what individuals consider when selecting photos, writing bio descriptions, and deciding what information to share. The results demonstrated that both men and women consider how they are perceived by others, how they perceive others, and how they are both influenced and affected by participating on Bumble.


Identity Performance and Self Presentation Through Dating App Profiles: How Individuals Curate Profiles and Participate on Bumble
Chamourian, Elizabeth
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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