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The purpose of this research was to realize a metric study of the scientific production generated between 1992-2022, about one of the topics that has acquired greater importance in the educational field, due to the pandemic by COVID-19: the teacher technostress. For that reason, 139 scientific documents indexed in the Web of Science database were examined. The content was analyzed with Excel spreadsheet and with the VOSviewer program. To guarantee the quality of the methodological procedure, the PRISMA protocol was used. First, a bibliometric analysis of the extracted publications was conducted, taking as a reference several indicators of production and dispersion. Secondly, a network analysis was performed, to try to understand the collaboration structure between countries and the conceptual structure of the topic under study. The results highlight that the existing scientific information on technostress in teachers is scarce, that it is widely dispersed by research areas and that there are no major producers on the subject. Likewise, COVID-19 has been a determining turning point that has generated the highest percentage of scientific production recorded to date, which is contributing to give greater visibility to technostress, not only as a psychosocial occupational risk but also to the teaching profession as one of the most vulnerable work collectives in an online environment.


Estudio Bibliométrico y Mapa de Redes del Tecnoestrés Docente Entre 1992-2022
Lotizan, Rita 1 ; Torrano, Fermín 2 

 Profesora Doctor, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (España) (rita.louzan@unir.net) (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2433-8586) 
 Profesor Contratado Doctor, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (España) (fermin.torrano@unir.net) (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0624-2145) 
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Grupo Comunicar
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Scholarly Journal
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© 2024. This work is published under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/legalcode (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License.