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Health surveys provide a rich array of information but on relatively small numbers of individuals and evidence suggests that they are becoming less representative as response levels fall. Routinely collected administrative data offer more extensive population coverage but typically comprise fewer health topics. We explore whether data combination and multiple imputation of health variables from survey data is a simple and robust way of generating these variables in the general population.
We use the UK Integrated Household Survey and the English 2011 population census both of which included self-rated general health. Setting aside the census self-rated health data we multiply imputed self-rated health responses for the census using the survey data and compared these with the actual census results in 576 unique groups defined by age, sex, housing tenure and geographic region.
Compared with original census data across the groups, multiply imputed proportions of bad or very bad self-rated health were not a markedly better fit than those simply derived from the survey proportions.
While multiple imputation may have the potential to augment population data with information from surveys, further testing and refinement is required.
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