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Doc number: 43
Background: Many proteins and peptides have been used in therapeutic or industrial applications. They are often produced in microbial production hosts by fermentation. Robust protein production in the hosts and efficient downstream purification are two critical factors that could significantly reduce cost for microbial protein production by fermentation. Producing proteins/peptides as inclusion bodies in the hosts has the potential to achieve both high titers in fermentation and cost-effective downstream purification. Manipulation of the host cells such as overexpression/deletion of certain genes could lead to producing more and/or denser inclusion bodies. However, there are limited screening methods to help to identify beneficial genetic changes rendering more protein production and/or denser inclusion bodies.
Results: We report development and optimization of a simple density gradient method that can be used for distinguishing and sorting E. coli cells with different buoyant densities. We demonstrate utilization of the method to screen genetic libraries to identify a) expression of glyQS loci on plasmid that increased expression of a peptide of interest as well as the buoyant density of inclusion body producing E. coli cells; and b) deletion of a host gltA gene that increased the buoyant density of the inclusion body produced in the E. coli cells.
Conclusion: A novel density gradient sorting method was developed to screen genetic libraries. Beneficial host genetic changes could be exploited to improve recombinant protein expression as well as downstream protein purification.
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