
【目的】明确向日葵需水规律,提高水氮耦合效应。【方法】采用田间小区试验,设定3个灌水量,分别为雨养W0、补灌W1(67.5 mm)和常规灌溉W2(135 mm),3个施氮水平,分别为N0(不施氮)、推荐施氮N1(135 kg/hm2)、过量施氮N2(270 kg/hm2),研究水氮耦合对向日葵产量、耗水量、水分利用效率、肥料利用率、水氮耦合效应的影响。【结果】随着灌水量的增加向日葵的产量、耗水量和氮肥利用率也增加,随着施氮量的增加向日葵耗水量也增加,N1处理的产量和氮肥利用率显著高于N2处理;W2N1、W2N2、W1N1处理的籽实产量较高;灌水量和施氮量对向日葵籽实产量和耗水量的交互效应显著。灌水量对向日葵籽实粗脂肪量影响较小,施氮量增加向日葵籽实的粗脂肪量减少。灌水量增加籽实的不饱和脂肪酸比例增加,优化施氮可增加籽实不饱和脂肪酸量。【结论】阴山北麓向日葵适宜的施肥灌水模式为补灌量159.2~177.1 mm,施氮量166~218.3 kg/hm2,12叶—现蕾期是需水需肥关键期,应保证该时期水肥供应。

Alternate abstract:

【Objective】To clarify the water requirement law of sunflower and improve the coupling effect of water and nitrogen.【Method】A plot experiment was conducted to set three irrigation amounts, namely, rain-fed W0, supplementary W1 67.5 mm and conventional irrigation W2 135 mm, and three nitrogen application levels, namely, N0 (no nitrogen application), recommended nitrogen N1 135 kg/hm2 and excess nitrogen N2 270 kg/hm2, respectively. The effects of water and nitrogen coupling on yield, water consumption, water use efficiency, fertilizer utilization rate and water and nitrogen coupling effect of sunflower were studied.【Result】A plot experiment was conducted to set three irrigation amounts, namely, rain-fed W0, supplementary W1 67.5 mm and conventional irrigation W2 135 mm, and three nitrogen application levels, namely, N0 (no nitrogen application), recommended nitrogen N1 135 kg/hm2 and excess nitrogen N2 270 kg/hm2, respectively. The effects of water and nitrogen coupling on yield, water consumption, water use efficiency, fertilizer utilization rate and water and nitrogen coupling effect of sunflower were studied.【Conclusion】The suitable fertilization and irrigation mode for Sunflowers at the North Foot of Yinshan Mountain is the supplementary irrigation amount of 159.2~177.1 mm and the nitrogen rates of 166~218.3 kg/hm2. The 12-leaf - opening stage is the key period of water and fertilizer demand, and the supply of water and fertilizer should be ensured.


ZHANG, Tingting; DUAN, Yu; ZHANG, Jun; AN, Hao; LIANG Junmei; FAN, Xia; HAN Zhenyong; WU, Sheng
Publication year
Publication date
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) Farmland Irrigation Research Institute Editorial Office of Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
Source type
Scholarly Journal
Language of publication
English; Chinese
ProQuest document ID
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