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The planning of tourism development is a complex process which encompasses coordination of a number of subjects both from the private and from public sector. Although private sector is the one that "makes the money", it is not possible to ignore the importance of the public sector in this process. Its role has somewhat changed throughout the years and is now more strategic and not concerned with production. Public sector has always had a key role in the development and promotion of tourism. Public sector here implies not only the government of a certain country, but its national tourist organizations, tourism ministries, local tourist organizations, etc. The role of local tourist organizations is even more valuable due to their proximity both to supply and to demand tourism markets which makes them well informed and reactive. The aim of this paper is to point to the fact that public-private partnership can significantly improve the development of winter sports tourism. Public-private partnership implies that the public sector takes on an active role in ensuring the necessary conditions to develop winter sports tourism. This is possible through participation in the building of infrastructure, and passing the laws, regulations and directives that regulate the possibilities and rules of investment in winter sports tourism development. The paper will use secondary and primary methods of scientific research through the questionnaire created for tourist offices in winter sports destinations in Austria and Slovenia.
Keywords: winter sports tourism, development, public-private partnership
Tourism development planning is a complex process that implies coordination of various subjects which have different interests, such as public, private, non-profit sector, etc. Although private sector is a "machine that creates wealth" (WTOBC, 2000:9), it is not possible to neglect the role of public sector in the planning of tourism development. Its role in society has changed since it has to reinvent itself. "It is withdrawing from the production of goods and the provision of services, and is taking a more strategic approach to its role in society." (WTOBC, 2000:9). Public sector has always had a key role in the development of tourism and promotion of a country, especially in developing countries or countries in transition (see WTOBC, 2000:10). By public sector we mean not only...