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In recent years, intelligent robots have been widely used in fields such as express transportation, industrial automation, and healthcare, bringing great convenience to people's lives. As one of the core technologies of intelligent robots, path planning technology has become a research highlight in the field of robotics. To achieve path planning in unknown environments, a path planning algorithm based on an improved dual depth Q-network is proposed. In both simple and complex grid environments, the planned path inflection points for the improved dual depth Q-network is 4 and 9, respectively, with path lengths of 27.21m and 28.63m, respectively. Both are less than double depth Q network and adaptive Ant colony optimization algorithms. The average reward values of the improved dual depth Q network in simple and complex environments are 1.12 and 1.02, respectively, which are higher than those of the dual depth Q network. In a random environment, the lowest probability of the improved dual depth Q network successfully reaching the destination without colliding with obstacles is 95.1%, which is higher than the other two algorithms. In the Gazebo environment, when the number of iterations reaches 2000, the average cumulative reward value is positive. The average cumulative reward value in the range of iterations from 3500 to 4000 and iterations from 4000 to 4500 exceeds 500. The average cumulative reward value of the dual depth Q network is only positive within the two intervals of iterations 2500-3000 and 3000-3500. The average cumulative reward value does not exceed 100. According to the findings, the path planning ability of the improved dual depth Q network is better than that of the dual depth Q network and the adaptive Ant colony optimization algorithms.
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