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Abstract. Donkey milk due to its nutritional properties brings multiple benefits to consumer's health. TNG and SCC determine the quality of donkey milk and milk products. The quantity and quality of donkey milk is influenced by lactation number, similar to other species. The highest level for TNG and SCC was recorded in lactation 3 and 4 and the lowest concentrations in the first two lactations. TNG and SCC average values were classified below the limits established by the current legislation.
Key Words: Equus asinus, lactation, milk properties, milk microbiological quality.
Introduction. Donkey (Equus asinus) belongs to the genus Equus, subgenus Asisnus, the Equidae family. Donkey is an important genetic resource for food and agriculture and plays an essential role in bringing some incomes in lesser developed areas. It is widely used for agricultural work, pastoral activity, various leisure activities and for milk (https://camel4all. Data on donkey's milk production are very poor compared with the data for horses. Compared with other species, the donkey is reared and maintained quite easily, because it is less sensitive than other animals. The donkey use some feed resources that other animals do not consume in restricted access areas like hills and mountains. In present in the equine milk production there is a trend in yield increasing and implementation of a proper management toward an intensive production system. The variability of milk production reported in the literature is influenced by a significant number of factors such as nutrition, individuality, genetic background, breeding, rearing management and exploitation (Salimei & Fantuz 2012; Mureşan & Marchiş 2004). Milk production of donkeys is between 1.5 and 2 L/day/capita, being influenced by the feed given, the season and the quality of the biological material (Stan 2015). The data in the literature show that donkey milk is a useful food in preventing diseases such as arteriosclerosis and has an ability to increase the immunity of the human body (Salimei & Fantuz 2012).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of lactation on milk SCC (somatic cell counts) and TNG (total number of germs) content in donkeys.
Material and Method. The biological material is represented by a population of donkeys in Cluj county, city Băbuţ. There were studied a number 5 individuals for...