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This study investigated the impact of implementing School responder model (SRM) programs on addressing mental and behavioral health needs to reduce problem behavior and prevent the school-to-prison pipeline. While successful school-based mental health interventions exist, the effectiveness of SRM programs in countering the school-to-prison pipeline remains unexplored. This study sought to answer the following research question: What are the effects of applying the school responder model (SRM) on addressing mental and behavioral health needs and eliminating the school-to-prison pipeline? This study focused on adolescents in grades 7 through 12 from public school districts in one of the states implementing an SRM program (n = 60) and used a non-probability, purposive sampling method utilizing preexisting data sets on suspensions, expulsions, arrests, incidents, and mental health calls. Causal chains and relationships were analyzed through quantitative analysis using mediation analysis, multiple linear regression, Pearson’s r correlation, and path analysis. The findings indicated positive associations between SRM implementation, improved mental health outcomes, and reduced student involvement in the criminal justice system, suggesting the potential efficacy of SRM in mitigating the school-to-prison pipeline.
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