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This paper reviewed the literature regarding mobile phone providers and their contribution to the economic development in Ghana. The paper used a designed instrument to conduct a mixed method study on the mobile phone providers and economic development in Ghana. The study's mixed methodology approach addressed three research questions and three hypotheses. The population sample size for the study was a total of 150. This sampling was a judgment sampling, which is a type of sampling involving the choice of subjects who are most advantageously placed or in the best position to provide the information required for the study. Thirty participants were selected from each one of the five mobile phone service providers' management staff. The thirty participants from each company comprised of five senior executives, five marketing staff, ten finance and accounting staff and ten operations research staff from their respective headquarters in the country. Out of the 150 selected sample size, a total of 104 participants from the mobile phone service providers participated in this study. The study's results showed that 41.3% of the participants indicated that their companies contributed between $10,000,000 and $20,000,000 towards social and sporting events. In addition, 28.8% of the participants indicated their companies contributed over $20,000,000 toward the same events. The participants believed that their companies have a favorable opinion of the mobile phone diffusion impact on the Ghanaian economy. Of the 104 participants, 34.0% of the participants strongly agreed and 63.9% also agreed that their companies perceived mobile phone diffusion as instrumental in promoting socio-economic development in Ghana. The study found that 25 % of the 104 respondents said their mobile phone companies paid between $10,000,000 and $50,000,000 in taxes to the Ghana government. The study also indicated that majority (28.8 %) of the 104 respondents stated that their companies paid over $150,000,000 in taxes to the Ghana government. These amounts are significant financial contribution to the development of the Ghanaian economy. The study also found out that of the 104 participants, 15.5% of the participants strongly agreed and 81.4% of the participants agreed that all sectors of the Ghanaian economy have benefited from mobile phone diffusion.
Keywords: Mobile Phone, IC T, Eco no mic Develop ment, Business to Business Transactions, High Paying Jobs