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This community risk assessment aimed to understand how Black people within the 94607 zip code are affected by factors that impacted their mental health. The population of focus was the Black community within the 94607 zip code. This area is also often referred to as “West Oakland.” This research used the social determinants of health model (SDOH) to elucidate specific areas that affected this community and how they have impacted mental well-being. The factors utilized in this study were biology, physical environment, social environment, individual behavior, and health services. Specifically, demographics, positive COVID-19 tests, life expectancy, degree obtainment rates, emergency room visits due to substance use and mental health crises, cost of living, incarceration rates, poverty rates, insurance rates, and health care revenue were all assessed in this study. The literature review included in this study was comprised of research that investigates statistics and theories as they relate to this community’s mental health practices.
The necessity for accurate and up-to-date research on marginalized communities exposes the importance of this community risk assessment. This analysis holds value due to the need for more extensive research on this community. It is appropriate to continue to perform research centered around the Black community due to the largely inaccurate studies released in the past. As time advances, researchers must continue to investigate how existing and new issues, such as COVID-19, can disproportionately affect communities.
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