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Internet of Things (IoT) devices can be usedfor sensing the atmosphere, gathering data and sending them to the locations and base station (BS) utilized for analysis. In WSNs for IoT, intellectual routing was asignificant criterionmandated to enrich the Quality of Service (QoS) in the network. Additionally, the energy demanded transmission in the IoT assistedsensor networks will be difficult to ignore immense packet drop or packet loss, unfairness and rapid energy depletion over the network causingreduction in node performance and surge in delay with regard to packet delivery. With this motivation, this article introduces a Modified Butterfly Optimization based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol (MBFO-EERP) for IoT environment. The presented MBFO-EERP technique chooses an optimal set of routes to destination in the IoT assisted WSN. To accomplish this, the MBFO-EERP technique follows random node deployment and node initialization processes. In addition, the presented MBFO-EERP technique integrates the concept of Levy flight (LF) into the conventional BFO algorithm. Moreover, the fitness function of the MBFO-EERP technique integrates three input parameters such as intra-cluster distance, inter-cluster distance, and residual energy. To exhibit the enhancedefficiencyof the MBFO-EERP system, a wide-ranging simulation analysis is performed. The extensive outcomesshowthe betterment of the MBFO-EERP method over other measures
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