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Successful organizations understand how employee satisfaction levels affect the bottom line. Establishing the best practices for managing employee satisfaction is paramount so human resource directors can share information. This literature review will help educate human resource practitioners and researchers to understand better the history, the existing research, and the benefits of properly managing employee satisfaction levels. When employees become dissatisfied, it can lead to a lack of trust, poor communication, and retention problems. Obtaining information on managing employee satisfaction levels can be difficult for aspiring human resource leaders. Through this phenomenological research study, human resource executives will share their knowledge and experience by answering 11 interview questions that seek to answer four research questions that revolve around defining, measuring, and tracking levels of employee satisfaction. Next, the discussions will move toward overcoming challenges of managing employee satisfaction, then migrate toward the challenges that are faced when trying to increase employee satisfaction. Finally, the questioning will end with a list of practices that human resource directors should avoid when managing satisfaction levels. These questions will be asked and answered through a semi-structured interview process where human resource executives will share their knowledge and experience with what has worked in the past. Maintaining acceptable employee satisfaction levels is essential to keeping organizations running smoothly. Human resource directors can increase employee satisfaction in many forms, and those suggestions will be reviewed and analyzed in this research study.
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