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Recognizing that the percentage of females in NCAA Division I athletic department leadership positions lag far behind their male counterparts, this study sought to learn about the lived experiences of females who have reached a senior level, defined as associate athletic director and athletic director using narrative inquiry.
The purpose of this study was to record the lived experiences of senior-level women administrators in intercollegiate athletics. Data was gathered through in-person interviews. Participants were asked to describe the paths their careers have followed, including the factors, issues, and circumstances that they feel have shaped the process by which they made career decisions.
Four primary themes from the participants’ backgrounds and life stories emerged that influenced the paths of the participants’ careers. They were: (1) the willingness and desire to take on challenges and opportunities; (2) the importance of family considerations, (3) influence of support they received from colleagues and people they came in contact within athletics; and (4) the impact of lack of support they received from colleagues and people they came in contact within athletics during their careers. This study revealed the presence of a strong sense of efficacy within the participants, which influenced the persistence of the participants in pursuing this particular career path, even when faced with obstacles. Finally, these participants offered advice, based on their career experiences to other current and future female athletic administrators. Policy implications and recommendations for institutions and athletic departments are provided.
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