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To enhance the control performance of hybrid Solar PV & wind power integration with grid in full range of its operating conditions for achieving the stability under dynamic grid conditions. This paper proposed a Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) based tuning algorithm for Fractional Order PID controller parameters. The performance assessment is focuses on control metrics such as: rise time, settling time, overshoot, settling minimum/maximum values, and peak time. The obtained results of proposed technique are compared with other PID and FOPID controllers that includes conventional, Path Finder (PF) based tuning algorithms. Three different cases of Solar Irradiance & Wind Speed have been considered as a test case for all tuned controllers for the proper synchronization. For validation purpose, output results are tested at two different locations first one is DC bus and second is inverter output. It has been obtained that the proposed GWO-FOPID demonstrates better control characteristics with rise time of 0.24 seconds, settling time of 0.32 seconds, and an overshoot of 5.65%.
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1 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, India
2 Department of Instrumentation, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra