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The achievements of the palm oil industry as a strategic commodity of Indonesia need to be followed in responsibility, efficiency and sustainability. Indonesia government continues to encourage oil palm industry to obey in pollution reduction, environmental management, and implementation of standards for palm oil plantation to reduce environment impacts, climate change, biodiversity and tropical forests protection. The Program for Pollution Control, Evaluation and Rating (PROPER) seeks to harmonize aspects through increasing capability in reporting and competent and certified human resources. This research was conducted through observation, interviews, and integrating LCA in the PROPER program to assist in the development of scientific data on emissions and can be accounted. Life cycle assessment (LCA) provides an overview of used natural resources, waste disposal to environment, evaluating and applying continuous improvements. Total emissions as output of the palm oil industry must be calculated based on real activities on palm oil plantations and mills. The results showed the need for integration of life cycle inventory with reporting information systems of environment management system, control of water pollution, control of air pollution, and management of hazardous waste and use of energy. Life cycle impact and interpretation play important role as knowledge management through of responsibility, efficiency, and sustainability (RES) approach to contribute for national database system.
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1 department of Agro-Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
2 Department of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia