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Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal face Pack

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Ravi Kumar1*, Komal2
1 Bharat Institute of Technology, Meerut (U.P.) India.
2 Translam Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Meerut (U.P.) India.
*Corresponding Author E-mail: ravikashyap7417@gmail.com
The main objective of this article is to formulate and evaluate an effective herbal face pack for glowing skin by using natural ingredients in varying concentrations, ingredients such as multanimitti, turmeric, aloe vera, sandal wood, orange peel, neem and nutmug ets. Ayurvedic formulations are safer than synthetic formulation because its side effect is very low. This prepared formulation is evaluated through the some important parameters like as Organoleptic, Phytochemical, Physicochemical, and Physical Characteristics. The main purpose of Herbal face packs are to remove the dark circle, Pimples, Scars, through the increase blood circulation and maintained it and the rejuvenates the skin and remove dirt particles from the skin pores.
KEYWORDS: Herbal Face pack, Skin, Natural Formulation, Herbal Remedies.
Now a days, The Herbs are widely used as remedial agents because herbs are easily available at less expensive. The herbs are used from the ancient time for cleaning, beautifying and the treatment of various skin disease.[1] The skin of the face is the major part of the body but some common skin diseases are Acne, black head, pimples, dark circle are seen in youngsters and these dark circle reduce the fairness of the face. According to Ayurveda, Skin problems are normally due to environmental factors and free radicals in blood.[2] In ancient times, the women were very conscious about their beauty and treat the facial skin problems through the medicated herbs like as- neem, aloe vera, tulsi, orange peel, rose and some for blood purification herbs like Manjistha, Chandana, Turmeric and some rock salts.[3,4] The herbal cosmetic are main advantages, it is pure and does not have any side effects on the human body....